Saturday, June 9, 2018

Blog Post #6 - Think Aloud

Inquiry learning is a practice I feel like I unknowingly practice daily.  To me...inquiry learning is learning through questioning, trial-and-error, or by solving problems.  I am always getting calls from teachers who have a technology problem that they need my help solving.  Many times the issue they are presenting me is an issue that I don't immediately have an answer to solve.  I have to use inquiry by questioning and reading forums on Google or by trial and error in creating a solution.  The Ted Talks video where Diana Laufenberg presented based on her experiences in teaching was amazing to watch.  I can imagine it was difficult for her step outside of the box with her students but I can only imagine how much they learned.  I know it will be an experience they will never forget.

In planning for the mini-lessons, I think I am going to cover volcano's specifically the currently erupting volcano Mount Kilauea in Hawaii using the 5th-grade standard:

I want to take the students on a virtual field trip to live videos of the site of the eruption, show them before and after pictures of different locations around the volcano to show them the constructive and destructive results of volcanos.  I want to include components that focus specifically on part C of the standard by discussing the types of technology scientists are currently using to predict the locations of the island that are hazardous as well as the seismic activity that indicates upcoming earthquakes.

Project: Students will create a written or digital journal from the perspective of a scientist studying the Mount Kilauea volcano.  Written journals can take the form of a scrapbook or notebook of journal entries while digital journals can take the form of presentations or movies.

  1. Authenticity- This is a current event taking place in our country. 
  2. Deep Understanding- Focus on the standard.  Create quality essential questions.
  3. Assessment- Create a rubric for the project.
  4. Appropriate Use of Technology- Virtual field trip to Hawaii; Device used for research; Video Interviews; Before and after photos; etc. 
  5. Student Success-  Clear guidelines created for the project that allows for creativity while being adaptable to individual student needs.
  6. Connecting with Experts- Video interviews of scientists on site.
  7. Performances of Understanding - Exploring the events of Mount Kilauea
  8. Ethical Citizenship - Plagiarism discussion and use of curated resources when building student project. 
Hmmm....Now I just wish I had a group of kids to teach!  This sounds fun!

Saturday, June 2, 2018

Blog Post #5 Goal Reflection

Well, it has been a few weeks since I posted my Goals so I guess it is time to reflect back and see how I am doing.  Below are the goals I set for myself:

     1. Share what I am learning with the teachers in my district.
I feel like I am doing an excellent job of sharing things I am learning with teachers in my district.  There are so many conversations I am able to contribute to based on the topics I am reading about and researching.  I have even found some awesome new tools that I have shared.

     2. Complete all assignments by Friday of each week so that I can enjoy my weekend without stressing about schoolwork.

This goal may need to be modified.  I think it was an excellent goal and while I am getting a lot of my work done on or by Friday, I am struggling to get it all done.  Mostly because of the nature of the blog posts and the reality that summer semester is shorter so there is a good bit of time required for each of my classes.  If I were to modify this goal I would modify it to state that I will get the majority of my school work out of the way during the week.  I am planning to recommit to this goal now since school is now out for our district.

     3. Where possible, complete projects using new web 2.0 tool(s) that I have not tried before.

I have really enjoyed this goal.  This was the first time I had ever used Symbaloo.  I had heard of the tool before but never had an excuse to really learn it.  I LOVE learning new tools and it is so hard to find quality free ones.

growth mindsetI have always considered myself to have a growth mindset.  I am always listening to audiobooks and podcasts from the "self-help" genre because I love learning tips and tricks to make me a better "me".  What I learned from reading this weeks resources, however, is that while I enjoy learning new things...I don't always practice a growth mindset.  Even though I believe we all have the ability to expand our knowledge by learning to do whatever we put our minds to...I don't always believe that I am capable of learning things that I don't feel like I would ever be good at doing.  I love the point that the "Even Geniuses Work Hard" article makes when it tells teachers to "emphasize challenge, not success".  I wish I could have been taught this way as a child because while I LOVE a challenge, I tend to not take on challenges unless I am pretty sure I will succeed.

Now that I have recognized the need to adjust my own fixed growth outlook, I plan to make sure I that I catch myself if I try to limit myself on projects that I don't think I can succeed.  The website contains 25 ways to develop a growth mindset.  I plan to focus on the following three as I continue through this course.
  1. Acknowledge and embrace imperfections.
  2. Disassociate improvement from failure.
  3. Value the process over the end result.

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Blog Post #6 - Think Aloud

Inquiry learning is a practice I feel like I unknowingly practice daily.  To me...inquiry learning is learning through questioning, tri...